Components description
- Air relay – pump
- Main relay –regulator 5v
- Injectors
- Canister – stepper motor
- Ignition coil
Problems such as no spark in the
spark plug, no ignition pulse are related to this component, if the defect is found,
replace it.
Problems such as lack of mass in the
sensors are caused by the compromise of the sensors' mass track, perform a
“jumper” from Pin 05, to Pin 01, which is the ECU's Mass, Use medium gauge
Problems linked to the power supply
of these two components of the vehicle, check the pin that is receiving the 5V
(+) power supply, check the track that this power is not reaching, as soon as
the defect is found, make a jumper on the track Also good for the pin that
stopped receiving 5V power.
E-prom memory error, or vehicle from
time to time to complete, due to poor contact in the E-prom PLCC socket, which
is located between the 2 processors, problems can happen, more likely in
sockets that are not original from the factory, if this problem occurs, remove
the socket and solder the component directly to the board.